Apart from exercising, taking the right fruits and veggies helps makes you look fresh and younger.
  • TOMATOES: One of the best anti-aging foods, tomatoes work twice as hard to keep you looking young. Not only do they boost collagen to keep skin looking taut but they’re also high in lycopene that protects against sun damage. A study by the British Journal of Dermatology found people who ate five tablespoons of tomato paste daily gained 33% more protection against sunburn.
  • CARROTS: Loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, carrots can help turn back the aging clock by reversing sun damage and combating hair loss. Their high vitamin A content helps regenerate skin cells by boosting collagen while vitamin C improves blood circulation to the scalp for thicker, longer and stronger hair.
  • WATERMELON: Watermelon is a perfect summertime treat. Around 90% water, it keeps skin hydrated and contains high levels of lycopene, which helps prevent sunburn. In fact, researchers have found eating watermelon is the equivalent of SPF3 to bolster (not replace) your sunscreen. You’ll need to eat three cups for it to be effective.
  • ALMONDS: For a clearer complexion and healthier hair, add almonds to your shopping list. High in vitamin E, these nuts have been proven to soften and hydrate the skin while protecting it from the sun's damaging UV rays. They’re also packed with Omega-6 fatty acids, which help plump out the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines.
  • SWEET POTATOES: Like other red and orange fruits and vegetables, sweet potatoes are high in beautifying beta-carotenes and vitamin A. These nutrients reduce damage to skin cells and give you a more sun-kissed complexion to keep you looking younger.
  • AVOCADO: These deliciously creamy fruits will nourish your skin both inside and out. A natural moisturizer, avocados are packed with vitamin E and good fats to ease dry skin. They're also rich in powerful detoxifying compounds that fight the signs of aging. Avocado face-masks are renowned for revitalizing the skin. Make your own by mixing half an avocado with a tablespoon of honey.
  • BERRIES: These wrinkle-fighting fruits are packed with antioxidants and vitamin C, both of which boost collagen production and keeps the skin plump. They’re also an excellent source of ellagic acid to protect against UV rays.  In fact, a 2015 study by Oral B found a brighter smile can make you look at least five years younger. If your teeth are discolored, make strawberries a regular part of your diet. They contain natural astringents that help remove stains to keep your pearly whites glistening.
  • RED GRAPES: One of the best fruits for slowing down the aging process, the skin on red grapes is high in resveratrol, an anti-inflammatory that helps keep skin looking flawless. This anti-oxidant also boosts collagen production in the retina, protecting age-related degeneration.
  • BANANA (YUM YUM YUM, LOL): Widely available and inexpensive, bananas are one of the world’s most popular fruits. But, did you know they can work wonders on your skin? High in antioxidants, they protect the body from free radicals that can cause premature aging.
  • OILY FISH: Rich in Omega-3 fats, oily fish – such as salmon, mackerel, fresh tuna and herring – can make you live longer and look younger. Researchers from the University of California found a diet rich in these beauty-boosting fats improves the texture skin while protecting against sun damage.
  • DARK CHOCOLATES: It sounds too good to be true, but yes – chocolate can help you look younger. Aim for the darkest chocolate you can find, as the higher the cocoa percentage the greater the antioxidant level. A 2016 study by Seoul National University in Korea found cacao powder can significantly reduce wrinkles caused by exposure to the sun.
  • BELL PEPPERS: Bell peppers – especially the red, orange and yellow ones – reign supreme in the war against wrinkles. They’re full of antioxidants to ward off sun damage and just half a cup will give you than your 100% recommended daily intake of superstar skincare ingredient vitamin C.
Note: All the above mentioned items should be taken in moderation because too much can end you to the doctors. 

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