Is ripe plantain really good for you?

 Hello again my beautiful people, If you love either of the types of plantain, keep reading to find out which is best or if you don't like plantain at all, read and find out why you should love it.

Thank you for going through my last post about my baking story. On this post, I will be explaining the health benefits of plantain.

Over the past week, a friend and I started bole or boli (however you choose to call it) business a.k.a roasted plantain business and I've always wanted to know which one is better and which gives the body the needed protein and vitamin.

Plantains are rich sources of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, and are easily digestible. Green plantains are a good source of resistant starch, a type of dietary fiber that helps you feel full, doesn’t raise blood sugar, and feeds the good bacteria that keep your gut healthy. Yellow plantains may also be a good source of magnesium, potassium, and fiber, though they may not have as much resistant starch as green plantains. 

  • Ripe plantain tastes a lot better than unripe ones, but that doesn’t mean it is richer in nutrients. Unripe plantain has the ability to improve blood circulation in your body, and make your digestive system a lot better than it was. The potassium content in unripe plantain protects the heart from conditions like High Blood Pressure, by controlling the heart rate. It also has some fiber content, which controls cholesterol levels, and consequently, kills the possibility of one suffering heart diseases.
  • Unlike ripe ones, unripe plantain contains little or no sugar, and as you know, sugar is a root cause of diabetes. Mixed with quality vegetables and other protein rich food, unripe plantain can keep diabetes away.
Left for me really, I'd prefer unripe plantain any day anytime.

Thank you for reading this post, you can always drop your comment and I'd get right to it.

See you in my next post where I might be telling you some more health benefits of plantain. Not like ripe plantain is bad o but then you suppose chop wetin go sweet body wella. (There are definitely other types of foods that can be of great benefits to your health)
