Cheers to all the good times of baking

Hello my most- amazing reader,

Welcome again to my foodblog. Hope you had a swell time during the public holidays?

Let’s get down to food business. I’m Precious Chika, the baking enthusiast behind foodieshoppers. I love to bake, in fact, baking has always been something close to my heart. I find it relaxing, satisfying, and challenging all at the same time. It helps me express myself and relieves my stress a great deal. 

Even if you’re not a baker, you’ll still understand most of the terms I’ll use in this article.

My baking journey began August 2020 when I attempted to bake my first cake. I baked a 250g cake with 1 cup of baking powder. Unknown to me, I wasn’t supposed to use that much and of course, the recipe I used didn’t even state the quantity to be used. The cake came out greenish in color, flat and bitter. I mean I made a bitter cake, O dear! the irony. 

I shed tears and was full of regrets. 

Although, other ingredients were measured correctly, I messed the chemistry up with that amount of baking powder. Pure recipe for baking disaster. 

You need to know how to mix your ingredients in their right proportions and temperatures for eggs and water. Flour, water, and leavening agents are the ingredients primarily responsible for how your work looks, feels and tastes. 

Eggs, milk, salt, shortening, and sugar are effective in modifying the quality of your baked product; other minor ingredients can be used too like cinnamon, dates, honey, fruits and coconut.

And just like that, anyone can become an expert in baking with the right ingredients, baking equipment, a little patience, and reliable recipes.

Baking is a really sweet experience once done right. It is like producing something beautiful from start to finish, best part is even something that tastes delicious. 

So how was your first baking experience and what does baking or even eating a beautifully sumptuous cake mean to you? Feel free to drop your response in the comment section. 

Thanks for your time and see you in my next post.
