Exercising can be very tiring. Find out how to stay fit without exercising for hours.


It might be a bit difficult to stay healthy without exercising especially if you're not very active during your daily routine. Don't sit around all day, try walking around and move your body, have a good 15 to 30 minutes of walking time in-between. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

Eat plenty of fruits that has 90% water like watermelon or cucumber. Add a lot of vegetables to your diet.

Try to get a good number of hours of rest after work. Know your body and how long you have to rest for so you don't develop a headache or fever. Although resting might be difficult especially when you have a lot to do but seize a couple of hours to have adequate rest.

These simple ways might be really difficult especially when you have to beat time but there's always a way to go around it.

See you in my next post. Thank you for reading.
